Summer Checklist
As school work slows and summer approaches, I've been thinking about how to reduce the requests for screen time until a reasonable amount of things have been accomplished for the day. In the past, when the children come to me repeatedly to ask if they can play video games, get on tablets, watch a show, ect. I am flustered to remember who has done what for the day at a moments notice.
Enter the checklist.
Now, my goal with this list was to reduce or eliminate screen time while giving the children productive outlets for their time. To create good habits and interests and healthy routines. If the checklist doesn't get completed in the day, that's fine, in fact it's great, because I consider some of the items to be optional. My hope is that the activities will capture their attention and fill the hours as opposed to being a stop on the way to screen time. Screen time doesn't have to be the goal though, you could always give your child some other sort of incentive if s/he completes the whole checklist everyday. It could be as simple as a sticker for the day or ice cream at the end of the week.
We finished with school early this year and have been able to test the list for a couple weeks now. It has been going great. Instead of having to tell the children to clean up the living room, they are coming to me, asking what space they can pick up. They going around the house asking how they can help each other. I'm living the dream y'all.
You can make your own list, of course, but if you would rather download my editable version for $1 just click: buy it now.
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